Live, Love Laugh

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Favorites

Christmas was a whirlwind of fun, excitement, food and family. There was many late nights, many exciting surprises and lots of love. There was also some sadness as this was the first Christmas without Nonno and Aunt Lou with us in the physical form. It was hard without both of them but I know they were with us in spirit.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

An afternoon spent watching princess'

There was laughter, tears and lots of fun to be had! Thanks Nanna!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our new addition!

His name is Maverick and the kids love him!!!! He is spunky and cuddly, sweet and fun!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Great Christmas Tree Hunt 2011


I'm a big boy now!!!!

My boy is growing up right before my eyes....
Every day he gets a little taller, brighter and bigger and I tend to miss those very small yet significant milestones as they are so gradual but I am not oblivious to the milestones that have turned my baby into a big boy almost overnight.
He is sleeping in a big boy bed now and is fully potty trained. You were as easy as your sister to train...I never would of dreamed that I could potty train 2 kids with such effort and ease...I know I know it is your hardwork and ability.I wont steal your thunder Brooklyn and Brycen! Mommy loves you both and I coulddnt be more proud at all your accomplishments! xoxoxoxo

Fall 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Enjoying the simple things in life

Today we took a sick day as Brycen was sick last night with the stomach flu and Brooklyn woke up with it.
Luckily it was short lived and it just kept the kids lethargic enough to veg on the couch all day eating snacks and watching movies.
It was a nice quiet kinda day...for being a sick day!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Perfectly ordinary" days!

Sp often I complain of the mononetity of my life from the routine of pack lunches, get dressed, brush teeth, prepare meals, cleanup, dishes, laundry, bathes, bed time routines. So often I find it hard to see the beauty in all this boredom and take for granted the kisses, the snuggles, the love for life my 2 little monkey's have.

Take a minute (or 7) and watch this video.....May I never complain again about tangles in unruly hair, or the Barbies/toys and playdough scattered all over the floors. I hope I can cherish the dirty hand prints on my walls and muddy shoes brought through my house instead of getting angry. More importantly, I hope I can see the beauty and the memories in the "perfectly ordinary" days.

Tis the season...again!

I gotta say I remember when I was younger and I use to use the phrase time flies when your having fun...but truthfully until you have kids, a job, a home ect ect flies by!

So here we are the Christmas season is in full swing and I am still in shock that once again December is just about to reer it's head!

Life around here is good, Brooklyn is loving school and has become a champ at printing her name and she has learned to sing Oh Canada in both French and English. They are learning there numbers and have been teaching the little ones to do the same!
Brycen is good, we will be working on potty training next week and wish me luck he is a stubborn little fart! He too is advancing thanks to his sister and the other school girls.

Jeff and I are good too we have gotten use to this life with kids stuff and we seem to work well as a team.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dearest Nonno

Not a day goes by when you don't cross my mind with either a memory or a reminder of all that we have lost. What gets us through is the reminder that you have gone to a better place and your body is no longer suffering. I wish so many times I could see you, hug you, call you just one more time. I hold my memories of you so very close to my heart and I pull them up to the forefront of my mind when I really feel you are far away.
I miss you Nonno!
I miss your laugh, your insights, your presence.....

Friday, October 7, 2011

Time flies!

and it really does!
My babies are growing up so fast. For the first time in a long time I looked back at all these posts and I could actually witness how much you 2 have grown! You are both growing into yourselves! I am so blessed to have each of you.
You are such good friends and you love each other dearly. I always knew I wanted 2 and I tell you there is nothing more precious and special then the love between siblings. I hope you to never lose the bond you have and that it strengths with age.
I dont post as often anymore because well life is busy.
Brooklyn;s days are filed with school where she comes home daily with new songs to teach us both in french and English. Your memory is impressive to say the least. You have mellowed out in the past few months and become a wonderful help to mommy. You definitly still have your freak out drama moments "I want an IPOD Mommy?" I dont want to wear those shoes, shirt, pants, hair elastic....but all in all you are quite a treat to have around. I love you girl!!
Brycen Brycen Brycen, your days are filled with scaring the living poop out of me. You are gutsy and fearless, you love to climb the highest thing you can find and jump off it. You love tools, swords and guns (I dont know why) You are a boy through and through!
You gave me a heart attack yesterday as you ran through the kitchen full tilt and smashed your head open on the wooden kitchen table chair. Yes this required an emerg trip and 4 stitches. You were so brave and have not complained once. Did it slow you down any? NO Has it made you any more careful? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Boy you are crazy and lovely all together but man I have a funny feeling we will be spending a few more hours down in ER! I love you boy and we just weren't complete without you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First day of school!!!

Today I put my baby onto the school bus and waved her goodbye. I was filled with numerous emotions only a parent who has done such a thing can understand. I was proud at how well she handled the whole thing, I was excited for all the possibilities to come for her but I was also sad to see how quickly the past 4 years have gone by.
I remember crying as I looked at my precious bundle of pink as I held her for the first time.
I remember crying when she turned one as I looked at my baby girl digging into her first piece of cake.
I remember crying the first time she took a step and the first time I heard her say I lo you!
So many wonderful milestones in my baby girls life that we have had the pleasure to celebrate. I look forward from bittersweet eyes as I watch you grow up and become a brave and adventurous little girl.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our summer in a nutshell!

So life has been busy with the trailer and work and just general life stuff. Here is just a bit of what we have been up too!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

School's out for summer...

School's out forever! Ok well not quite, both of you have many more days of your school career ahead of you, however Brooklyn graduated from nursery school this week and is now ready for JK.
I have a lovely photo of Brooklyn receiving her diploma but sadly it is on my phone and I am not savvy enough to know how to upload here yet.'s out for SuMmEr!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My promise to my children ~ I am your parent, I will stalk you, flip out on you, lecture you, drive you insane, be your worst nightmare & hunt you down like a bloodhound when needed because I LOVE YOU! When you understand that, I will know you are a responsible adult. You will NEVER find someone who loves, swears, cares and worries about you more than I do!

On growing up!!

I Remember when boys had cooties...when friends were new, dreams were un-shattered and worries few...when recess was too short and life was too long...decisions came easily without need to belong...when storks delivered babies and passions weren't so strong...friendships were un-broken...right was right, and wrong was wrong...when bad things didn't happen...when only skinned knees brought tears and the night light in it's socket quieted all our fears...when farewell meant just for summer and real friends didn't part...the fun went on forever and never left a broken heart.

For so many years I thought I was immune to aging and growing up. Responsibility didn't involve nearly the same stuff it involves now. I remember when I only had myself to deal with and how much work that was on a good day. I see lines on my forehead that where never there in my 20's I see laugh lines and crows feet that have creeped up and I have plucked a gray hair or 2. As much as I wish I could deny the inevitable I am growing up and getting older. Life is happening all the while I was busy making plans. You only realize how fast life goes by when you have a life to look back on.

As we grow up, we learn that we may fall but we can always get back up. Hearts will be broken but it will always love again. So many people will come and go but the true friends will be there forever. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you lose someone you love. It will hurt like hell but you will never regret knowing them because the memories make up for the pain. Take too many pictures so you can reminise, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.