Live, Love Laugh

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Time flies!

and it really does!
My babies are growing up so fast. For the first time in a long time I looked back at all these posts and I could actually witness how much you 2 have grown! You are both growing into yourselves! I am so blessed to have each of you.
You are such good friends and you love each other dearly. I always knew I wanted 2 and I tell you there is nothing more precious and special then the love between siblings. I hope you to never lose the bond you have and that it strengths with age.
I dont post as often anymore because well life is busy.
Brooklyn;s days are filed with school where she comes home daily with new songs to teach us both in french and English. Your memory is impressive to say the least. You have mellowed out in the past few months and become a wonderful help to mommy. You definitly still have your freak out drama moments "I want an IPOD Mommy?" I dont want to wear those shoes, shirt, pants, hair elastic....but all in all you are quite a treat to have around. I love you girl!!
Brycen Brycen Brycen, your days are filled with scaring the living poop out of me. You are gutsy and fearless, you love to climb the highest thing you can find and jump off it. You love tools, swords and guns (I dont know why) You are a boy through and through!
You gave me a heart attack yesterday as you ran through the kitchen full tilt and smashed your head open on the wooden kitchen table chair. Yes this required an emerg trip and 4 stitches. You were so brave and have not complained once. Did it slow you down any? NO Has it made you any more careful? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Boy you are crazy and lovely all together but man I have a funny feeling we will be spending a few more hours down in ER! I love you boy and we just weren't complete without you!